Publications //
Bermont A, Cohen DL, Richter V, Hadar R, Tam J, Wandel A, Brawer S, Grundman O, Shirin H (2025) FucoVital® inhibits fatty acid accumulation in liver cells in vitro and reduces triglycerides levels in patients with NAFLD. PharmaNutrition, 31, 100429.
Mishra K, Sweetat S, Baraghithy S, Sprecher U, Marisat M, Bastu S, Glickstein H, Tam J, Rosenmann H, Weil M, Malfatti E, Kakhlon O (2024) The Autophagic Activator GHF-201 Can Alleviate Pathology in a Mouse Model and in Patient Fibroblasts of Type III Glycogenosis. Biomolecules, 14(8):893.
Baraghithy S, Gammal A, Permyakova A, Hamad S, Kocvarova R, Calles Y, Tam J (2024) 5-methoxy-2-aminoindane Reverses Diet-Induced Obesity and Improves Metabolic Parameters in Mice: A Potential New Class of Anti-Obesity Therapeutics. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci, 7, 8, 2527–2543.
Appeared on the August 2024 Supplemental Cover Page of ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci
Myers MN, Chirivi1 M, Gandy JC, Tam J, Zachut M, Contreras AG (2024) Lipolysis Pathways Modulate Lipid Mediator Release and Endocannabinoid System Signaling in Dairy Cows’ Adipocytes. J Anim Sci Biotechnol, 15, 103.
Kleiman D, Arad Y, Azulai S, Baker A, Bergel M, Elad A, Hefetz L, Israeli H, Littor M, Permyakova A, Samuel I, Tam J, Ben-Haroush Schyr R, Ben-Zvi D (2024) Inhibition of Somatostatin Enhances the Long-term Metabolic Outcomes of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Mice. Mol Metab, 86:101979.
Wreven E, Ruiz de Adana MS, Gmyr V, Kerr-Conte J, Vallejo Herrera MJ, Hinden L, Benavides Espínola IC, Gómez Duro M, Salido LS, Bermúdez-Silva FJ, Linares F, Tam J, Egan JM, Olveira G, Pattou F, González-Mariscal I (2024) Pharmaceutical Targeting of the Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptor Impacts the Crosstalk Between Immune Cells and Islets to Ameliorate Insulitis. Diabetologia
Higazi AA, Maraga E, Baraghithy S, Udi S, Azar S, Saada A, Glaser B, Avrahami D, Abdeen S, Hamdan Z, Tam J, Abu Fanne R (2024) Characterization of metabolic alterations in the lean metabolically unhealthy alpha defensin transgenic mice. iScience, 27(2): 108802.
Permyakova A, Hamad S, Hinden L, Baraghithy S, Kogot-Levin A, Yosef O, Shalev O, Tripathi MK, Amal H, Basu A, Arif M, Cinar R, Kunos G, Berger M, Leibowitz G, Tam J (2024) Renal Mitochondrial ATP Transporter Ablation Ameliorates Obesity-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease. J Am Soc Nephrol, 35(3):p 281-298.
Featured in J Am Soc Nephrol 1;35(3):257-258, 2024.
Appeared on the March 2024 cover page of J Am Soc Nephrol
Tzur Y, Winek K, Madrer N, Dubnov S, Bennett ER, Greenberg DS, Hanin G, Gammal A, Tam J, Arkin IT, Paldor I, Soreq H (2023) Lysine tRNA fragments and miR-194-5p co-regulate hepatic steatosis via β-Klotho and Perilipin 2. Mol Metab 101856.
Permyakova A, Rothner A, Knapp S, Nemirovski A, Ben-Zvi D, Tam J (2023) Renal Endocannabinoid Dysregulation in Obesity-induced Chronic Kidney Disease in Humans. Int J Mol Sci 24(17), 13636
Szanda G, Jourdan T, Wisniewski E, Cinar R, Godlewski G, Rajki A, Liu J, Chedester L, Szalai B, Tóth AD, Soltész-Katona E, Hunyady L, Inoue A, Horváth VB, Spät A, Tam J, Kunos G (2023) Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R) inhibits hypothalamic leptin signaling via β-arrestin1 in complex with TC-PTP and STAT3. iScience 12;27(2):108802.
Kra G, Daddam, JR, Moallem U, Kamer H, Muallem B, Levin Y, Kočvarová R, Nemirovski A, Contreras AJ, Tam J, Zachut M (2023) Alpha-linolenic Acid Modulates Systemic and Adipose Tissue-specific Insulin Sensitivity, Inflammation, and the Endocannabinoid System in Dairy Cows. Sci Rep 13:5280.
Kogot-Levin A, Riahi Y, Abramovich I, Mosenzon O, Agranovich B, Kadosh L, Ben-Haroush Schyr R, Kleiman D, Hinden L, Cerasi E, Ben-Zvi D, Bernal Mizrachi E, Tam J, Gottlieb E, Leibowitz G (2023) Mapping the Metabolic Reprogramming Induced by Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition. JCI Insight 10;8(7):e164296.
Myers M, Abou-Rjeileh U, Chirivi M, Parales J, Lock A, Tam J, Zachut M, Contreras A (2023) Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Activation Modulates Lipid Mobilization and Adipogenesis in the Adipose Tissue of Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci 106:3650-3661.
Rothner A, Gov T, Hinden L, Nemirovski A, Tam J, Rosenzweig B (2023) Systemic Changes in Endocannabinoids and Endocannabinoid-like Molecules in Response to Partial Nephrectomy-Induced Ischemia. Int J Mol Sci, 24, 4216.
Ahmad M, Abramovich I, Agranovich B, Nemirovski A, Gottlieb E, Hinden L, Tam J (2023) Kidney Proximal Tubule GLUT2—More than Meets the Eye. Cells 12, 94.
Hirsch S, Hinden L, Naim-Ben-David M, Baraghithy S, Permyakova A, Azar S, Nasser T, Portnoy E, Agbaria M, Nemirovski A, Golomb G, Tam J (2023) Hepatic Targeting of the Centrally Active Cannabinoid 1 Receptor (CB1R) Blocker Rimonabant via PLGA Nanoparticles for Treating Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes. J Control Release 353:254-269.
Heiliczer S, Wilensky A, Gaver T, Georgiev O, Hamad.S, Nemirovski A, Hadar R, Sharav Y, Aframian DJ, Tam J, Haviv Y (2022) Salivary Endocannabinoid Profile in Different Chronic Orofacial Pain Disorders: A Tool for Diagnosis and Management. Int J Mol Sci. 23(21), 13017.
Zachut M, Tam J, Contreras AG (2022) Modulating Immunometabolism in Transition Dairy Cows: The Role of Inflammatory Lipid Mediators. Animal Frontiers 12 (5), 37-45.
Abuhasira R, Azar S, Nemirovski A, Tam J, Novack V (2022) Herbal Cannabis Use is not Associated with Changes in Levels of Endocannabinoids and Metabolic Profile Alterations Among Older Adults. Life 12(10), 1539.
Voinsky I, Zoabi Y, Shomron N, Harel M, Cassuto H, Tam J, Rose S, Scheck AC, Karim MA, Frye RE, Aran A, Gurwitz D (2022) Blood RNA Sequencing Indicates Upregulated BATF2 and LY6E and Downregulated ISG15 and MT2A Expression in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Int J Mol Sci. 23(17), 9843.
Kra G, Daddam J.R, Moallem U, Kamer H, Kočvarová R, Nemirovski A, Contreras GA, Tam J, Zachut M (2022) Effects of Omega-3 Supplementation on Components of the Endocannabinoid System and Metabolic and Inflammatory Responses in Adipose and Liver of Peripartum Dairy Cows. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 13, 114.
Haviv Y, Georgiev O, Gaver-Bracha T, Hamad S, Nemirovski A, Hadar R, Sharav Y, Afraimain DJ, Brotman Y, Tam J (2022) Reduced Endocannabinoid Tone in Saliva of Chronic Orofacial Pain Patients. Molecules 27, 4662.
Hinden L, Ludyansky R, Leidershnaider S, Harris Y, Nemirovski A, Gofrit ON, Tam J, Hidas G (2022) Peripheral CB1 Receptor Blockade Ameliorates Cystitis Severity. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res.
Raphael-Mizrahi B, Attar-Namdar M, Chourasia M, Cascio MG, Shurki A, Tam J, Neuman M, Rimmerman N, Vogel Z, Shteyer A, Pertwee RG, Zimmer A, Kogan N, Bab I, Gabet Y. (2022) Osteogenic Growth Peptide is a Potent Anti-inflammatory and Bone Preserving Hormone via Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2. eLife 11:e65834.
Ben-Cnaan E, Permyakova A, Azar S, Hirsch S, Baraghithy S, Hinden L, Tam J. (2022) The Metabolic Efficacy of a Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) Derivative in Treating Diet- and Genetic-Induced Obesity. Int. J. Mol. Sci 23(10), 5610.
Hinden L, Ahmad M, Hamad S, Nemirovski A, Szanda G, Glasmacher S, Kogot-Levin A, Abramovitch R, Thorens B, Gertsch J, Leibowitz G, Tam J. (2022) Opposite Physiological and Pathological mTORC1-mediated Roles of the CB1 Receptor in Regulating Renal Tubular Function. Nat Commun 13, 1783.
Featured in Nature Review in Nephrology (2022)
Stokar J, Gurt I, Cohen-Kfir E, Yakubovsky O, Hallak N, Benyamini H, Lishinsky N, Offir N, Tam J, Dresner-Pollak R. (2022) Hepatic Adropin is Regulated by Estrogen and Contributes to Adverse Metabolic Phenotypes in Ovariectomized Mice. Mol Metab. 101482.
Parhi L, Abed J, Shhadeh A, Alon-Maimon T, Udi S, Ben-Arye SL, Tam J, Parnas O, Padler-Karavani V, Goldman-Wohl D, Yagel S, Mandelboim O, Bachrach G. (2022) Placental Colonization by Fusobacterium Nucleatum is Mediated by Binding of the Fap2 Lectin to Placentally displayed Gal-GalNAc. Cell Rep. 38(12):110537.
Abu-Gazala S, Bergel M, Arad Y, Hefetz L, Azulai S, Baker A, Haran A, Israeli H, Kleiman D, Magenheim I, Tsubary U, Permyakova A, Tam J, Ben-Haroush Schyr R, Ben-Zvi D. (2022) Generation and Characterization of a Mouse Model for One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass Surgery. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 322(5):E414-E424.
Kra G, Daddam JR, Moallem U, Kamer H, Ahmad M, Nemirovski A, Contreras GA, Tam J, Zachut M. (2022) Effects of Environmental Heat Load on Endocannabinoid System Components in Adipose Tissue of High Yielding Dairy Cows. Animals 12(6), 795.
Smoum R, Haj C, Hirsch S, Nemirovski A, Yekhtin Z, Bogoslavsky B, Bakshi GK, Chourasia M, Gallily R, Tam J, Mechoulam R. (2022) Fenchone Derivatives as a Novel Class of CB2 Selective Ligands: Design, Synthesis, X-ray Structure and Therapeutic Potential. Molecules 27(4), 1382.
Kunos G, Jourdan T, Tam J. (2022) Do endocannabinoids acting via hepatic CB1 receptors contribute to NAFLD and hepatic insulin resistance? J Clin Invest 132(1):e155330.
Daniel T, Ben-Shachar M, Drori E, Hamad S, Permyakova A, Ben-Cnaan E, Tam J, Kerem Z, Rosenzweig T. (2021) Grape Pomace Reduces the Severity of Non-Alcoholic Hepatic Steatosis and the Development of Steatohepatitis by Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Reducing Ectopic Fat Deposition in Mice. J Nutr Biochem 98:108867.
Kakhlon O, Vaknin H, Mishra K, D'Souza J, Marisat M, Sprecher U, Wald-Altman S, Dukhovny A, Raviv Y, Da'adoosh B, Engel H, Benhamron S, Nitzan K, Sweetat S, Permyakova A, Mordechai A, Orhan Akman H, Rosenmann H, Lossos A, Tam J, Minassian BA, Weil M. (2021) Alleviation of a Polyglucosan Storage Disorder by Enhancement of Autophagic Glycogen Catabolism. EMBO Mol Med e14554.
Ben-Haroush Schyr R, Al-Kurd A, Moalem B, Permyakova A, Israeli H, Bardugo A, Hefetz L, Bergel M, Haran, A, Azar S, Magenheim I, Tam J, Grinbaum R, Ben-Zvi D. (2021) Sleeve Gastrectomy Suppresses Hepatic Glucose Production and Increases Hepatic Insulin Clearance Independent of Weight-loss. Diabetes 70(10): 2289-2298.
Grunewald M, Kumar S, Sharife H, Volinski E, Gileles-Hillel A, Licht T, Permyakova A, Maimon D, Hinden L, Azar S, Friedman Y, Tsuberi R, Oliven T, Anisimov A, Alitalo K, Horwitz M, Leebhoff S, Khoma OZ, Hlushchuk R, Djonov V, Abramovitch R, Tam J, Keshet E. (2021) Counteracting Age-related VEGF Signaling Insufficiency Promotes Healthy Aging and Extends Lifespan. Science 373, eabc8479
Tartakover Matalon S, Azar S, Meiri D, Hadar R, Nemirovski A, Abu Jabal N, Konikoff FM, Drucker L, Tam J, Naftali T. (2021) Endocannabinoid Levels in Ulcerative Colitis Patients Correlate with Clinical Parameters and are Affected by Cannabis Consumption. Frontiers in Endocrinology 12:685289.
Myers MN, Zachut M, Tam J, Contreras AG. (2021) A Proposed Modulatory Role of the Endocannabinoid System on Adipose Tissue Metabolism and Appetite in Periparturient Dairy Cows. J Animal Sci Biotechnol 12, 21.
Hinden L, Kogot-Levin A, Tam J, Leibowitz G. (2021) Pathogenesis of Diabesity-induced Kidney Disease: Role of Kidney Nutrient Sensing. FEBS J 289:901-921.
Baraghithy S, Soae Y, Assaf D, Hinden L, Udi S, Drori A, Gabet Y, Tam J. (2021) Renal Proximal Tubule Cell Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Regulates Bone Remodeling and Mass via a Kidney-to-Bone Axis. Cells 10(2):414.
Drori A, Gammal A, Azar S, Hinden L, Hadar R, Wesley D, Nemirovski A, Szanda G, Salton M, Tirosh B, Tam J. (2020) CB1R Regulates Soluble Leptin Receptor Levels via CHOP, Contributing to Hepatic Leptin Resistance. eLife 9:e60771
Featured in eLife Digest
Azar S, Udi S, Drori A, Hadar R, Nemirovski A, Vemuri KV, Miller M, Sherill-Rofe D, Arad, Y, Gur-Wahnon D, Li X, Makriyannis A, Ben-Zvi D, Tabach Y, Ben-Dov IZ, Tam J. (2020) Reversal of Diet-induced Hepatic Steatosis by Peripheral CB1 Receptor Blockade in Mice is p53/miRNA-22/SIRT1/PPARα Dependent. Mol Metab 42:101087
Kogot-Levin A, Hinden L, Riahi Y, Israeli T, Tirosh B, Cerasi E, Mizrachi EB, Tam J, Mosenzon O, Leibowitz G. (2020) Proximal Tubule mTORC1 Is a Central Player in the Pathophysiology of Diabetic Nephropathy and Its Correction by SGLT2 Inhibitors. Cell Reports 32(4): 107954
Chai C, Cox B, Yaish D, Gross D, Rosenberg N, Amblard F, Shemuelian Z, Gefen M, Korach A, Tirosh O, Lanton T, Link H, Tam J, Permikova A, Ozhan G, Citrin J, Liao H, Tannous M, Hahn M, Axelrod J, Arretxe E, Alonso C, Martinez-Arranz I, Betés PO, Safadi R, Salhab A, Amer J, Tber Z, Mengshetti S, Giladi H, Schinazi RF, Galun E. (2020) Agonist of RORA Attenuates Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Progression in Mice via Upregulation of microRNA 122. Gastroenterology 159(3): 999-1014.e9
Permyakova A, Gammal A, Hinden L, Weitman M, Weinstock M, Tam J (2020) A Novel Indoline Derivative Ameliorates Diabesity-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease by Reducing Metabolic Abnormalities. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11:91
Jourdan T, Degrace P, González-Mariscal I, Szanda G, Tam J (2020) Endocannabinoids: The Lipid Effectors of Metabolic Regulation in Health and Disease. Lipid Signaling and Metabolism James M Ntambi, Editor, Elsevier Inc. 297-320.
Udi S, Hinden L, Ahmad M, Drori A, Iyer MR, Cinar R, Herman-Edelstein M, Tam J (2020) Dual Inhibition of Cannabinoid-1 Receptor and iNOS Attenuates Obesity-induced Chronic Kidney Disease. Br J Pharmacol 177(1):110-127.
Eger M, Bader M, Bree D, Hadar R, Nemerovski A, Tam J, Levy D, Pick C, Gabet Y (2019) Bone Anabolic Response in the Calvaria Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Is Mediated by the Cannabinoid-1 Receptor. Sci Rep 9:16196.
Baraghithy S, Smoum R, Attar-Namdar M, Mechoulam R, Bab I, Tam J (2019) HU-671, a Novel Oleoyl Serine Derivative, Exhibits Enhanced Efficacy in Reversing Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis and Bone Marrow Adiposity. Molecules 24(20), 3719.
El-Atawneh S, Hirsch S, Hadar R, Tam J, Goldblum A (2019) Prediction and Experimental Confirmation of Novel Peripheral Cannabinoid1 Receptor Antagonists. J Chem Inf Model 59(9):3996-4006.
Braxton TM, Sarpong DE, Dovey JL, Guillou AT, Evans BT, Castellano JM, Keenan BE, Baraghithy S, Evans SL, Tena-Sempere M, Mollard P, Tam J, Wells T (2019) Thermoneutrality improves skeletal impairment in adult Prader-Willi syndrome mice. J Endocrinol 243:175–186.
Hirsch S, Tam J (2019) Cannabis: From a Plant That Modulates Feeding Behaviors toward Developing Selective Inhibitors of the Peripheral Endocannabinoid System for the Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Toxins 11(5): 275.
Abu-Remaileh M, Abu-Remaileh M, Akkawi R, Knani I, Udi S, Pacold ME, Tam J, Aqeilan R (2019) WWOX somatic ablation in skeletal muscles alters glucose metabolism. Mol Metab 22:132-140.
Aran A, Eylon M, Harel M, Polianski L, Nemirovski A, Tepper S, Schnapp A, Cassuto H, Wattad N, Tam J (2019) Lower Circulating Endocannabinoid Levels in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mol Autism 10:2.
Hinden L, Tam J (2019) Do Endocannabinoids Regulate Glucose Reabsorption in the Kidney? Nephron11:1-4.
Baraghithy S, Smoum R, Drori A, Hadar R, Gammal A, Hirsch S, Attar-Namdar M, Nemirovski A, Gabet Y, Langer Y, Pollak Y, Schaaf CP, Rech ME, Gross-Tsur V, Bab I, Mechoulam R, Tam J (2019) Magel2 Modulates Bone Remodeling and Mass in Prader Willi Syndrome by Affecting Oleoyl Serine Levels and Activity. J Bone Miner Res 34:93-105.
Azar S, Sherf-Dagan S, Nemirovski A, Webb M, Raziel A, Keidar A, Goitein D, Sakran N, Shibolet O, Tam J, Zelber-Sagi S (2019) Circulating Endocannabinoids Are Reduced Following Bariatric Surgery and Associated with Improved Metabolic Homeostasis in Humans. Obes Surg 29:268-276.
Drori A, Permyakova A, Hadar R, Udi S, Nemirovski A, Tam J (2019) Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Regulates Mitochondrial Dynamics and Function in Renal Proximal Tubular Cells. Diabetes Obes Metab 21:146-159.
Appeared on the January 2019 cover page of Dibaetes Obes Metab
Zachut M, Kra G, Moallem U, Livshitz L, Levin Y, Udi S, Nemirovski A, Tam J (2018) Characterization of the Endocannabinoid System in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Periparturient Dairy Cows and its Association to Metabolic Profiles. PLoS One 13:e0205996.
Ganot N, Braitbard O, Gammal A, Tam J, Hochman J, Tshuva EY (2018) In Vivo Anticancer Activity of a Non‐Toxic Inert Phenolato Ti Complex: High Efficacy on Solid Tumors Alone and Combined with Pt Drugs. Chem Med Chem 13:2290-2296.
Tam J, Hinden L, Drori A, Udi S, Azar S, Baraghithy S (2018) The Therapeutic Potential of Targeting the Peripheral Endocannabinoid/CB1 Receptor System. Eur J Intern Med 49:23-29.
Deis S, Srivastava RK, de Azua IR, Bindila L, Baraghithy S, Lutz B, Bab I, Tam J (2018) Age-related regulation of bone formation by the sympathetic cannabinoid CB1 receptor. Bone 108:34-42.
Hinden L, Udi S, Drori A, Gammal A, Nemirovski A, Hadar R, Baraghithy S, Permyakova A, Geron M, Cohen M, Tsytkin-Kirschenzweig S, Riahi Y, Leibowitz G, Nahmias Y, Priel A, Tam J (2018) Modulation of Renal GLUT2 by the Cannabinoid-1 Receptor: Implications for the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 29:434-448.
Drori A, Rotnemer-Golinkin D, Avni S, Drori A, Danay O, Levanon D, Tam J, Zolotarev L, Ilan Y (2017) Attenuating the rate of total body fat accumulation and alleviating liver damage by oral administration of vitamin D-enriched edible mushrooms in a diet-induced obesity murine model is mediated by an anti-inflammatory paradigm shift. BMC Gastroenterol 17:130.
Udi S, Hinden L, Earley B, Drori A, Reuveni N, Hadar R, Cinar R, Nemirovski A, Tam J (2017) Proximal Tubular Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Regulates Obesity-induced Chronic Kidney Disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 28:3518-3532.
Featured in J Am Soc Nephrol 28:3429-3432.
Chai C, Rivkin M, Berkovits L, Simerzin A, Zorde-Khvalevsky E, Rosenberg N, Klein S, Yaish D, Durst R, Shpitzen S, Udi S, Tam J, Heeren J, Worthmann A, Schramm C, Kluwe J, Ravid R, Hornstein E, Giladi H, Galun E (2017) Metabolic Circuit Involving Free Fatty Acids, microRNA 122, and Triglyceride Synthesis in Liver and Muscle Tissues. Gastroenterology 153:1404-1415.
Tam J, Szanda G, Drori A, Liu Z, Cinar R, Kashiwaya Y, Reitman ML, Kunos G (2017) Peripheral Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Blockade Restores Hypothalamic Leptin Signaling. Mol Metab 6:1113-1125.
Featured in Mol Metab 6:1077-1078.
Hanin G, Yayon N, Tzur Y, Haviv R, Bennett ER, Udi S, Krishnamoorthy YR, Kotsiliti E, Zangen R, Efron B, Tam J, Pappo O, Shteyer E, Pikarsky E, Heikenwalder M, Greenberg DS, Soreq H (2017) miRNA-132 induces hepatic steatosis and hyperlipidaemia by synergistic multitarget suppression. Gut 67:1124-1134.
Zelber-Sagi S, Azar S, Nemirovski A, Webb M, Halpern Z, Shibolet O, Tam J (2017) Serum levels of endocannabinoids are independently associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Obesity 25:94-101.
Knani I, Earley BJ, Udi S, Nemirovski A, Hadar R, Gammal A, Cinar C, Hirsch HJ, Pollak Y, Gross I, Eldar-Geva T, Reyes-Capo DP, Han JC, Haqq AM, Gross-Tsur V, Wevrick R, Tam J. (2016) Targeting the Endocannabinoid/CB1 Receptor System for Treating Obesity in Prader-Willi Syndrome. Mol Metab 5:1187-1199.
Tam J (2016) The emerging role of the endocannabinoid system in the pathogenesis and treatment of kidney diseases. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 27:267-76.
Tam J. (2015) Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Hepatic Lipogenesis, Hepatic De novo Lipogenesis and Regulation of Metabolism, James M Ntambi, Editor, Springer.
Godlewski G, Jourdan T, Szanda G, Tam J, Cinar R, Harvey-White J, Liu J, Mukhopadhyay B, Pacher P, Ming Mo F, Osei-Hyiaman D, Kunos G (2015) Mice lacking GPR3 receptors display late-onset obese phenotype due to impaired thermogenic function in brown adipose tissue. Sci Rep 5:14953.
Park O, Ki SH, Xu M, Wang H, Feng D, Tam J, Osei-Hyiaman D, Kunos G, Gao B (2015) Biologically active, high levels of interleukin-22 inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis but do not affect obesity and its metabolic consequences. Cell Biosci 5:25.
Wasserman E, Tam J, Mechoulam R, Zimmer A, Maor G, Bab I (2015) CB1 cannabinoid receptors mediate endochondral skeletal growth attenuation by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1335:110-119.
Jourdan T, Szanda G, Rosenberg AZ, Tam J, Earley B, Godlewski G, Cinar R, Liu Z, Liu J, Ju C, Pacher P, Kunos G (2014) Overactive Cannabinoid 1 Receptor in Podocytes Drives Type-2 Diabetic Nephropathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:E5420-5428.
Tam J, Godlewski G, Earley BJ, Zhou L, Jourdan T, Szanda G, Cinar R, Kunos G (2014) Role of Adiponectin in the Metabolic Effects of Cannabinoid Receptor-1 Blockade in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 306:E457-468.
Cinar R, Godlewski G, Liu J, Tam J, Jourdan T, Mukhopadhyay B, Harvey-White J, Kunos G (2014) Hepatic Cannabinoid-1 Receptors Mediate Diet-induced Insulin Resistance by Increasing de novo Synthesis of Long-chain Ceramides. Hepatology 59:143-153.
Jourdan T, Godlewski G, Cinar R, Bertola A, Szanda G, Liu J, Tam J, Han T, Mukhopadhyay B, Ju C, Kunos G (2013) Activation of the Nlrp3 Inflammasome in Infiltrating Macrophages by Endocannabinoids Mediates Beta Cell Loss in Type 2 Diabetes. Nat Med 19:1132-1140.
Featured in Nature Review in Endocrinology (2013) 9:626.
Silverman MN, Mukhopadhyay P, Belyavskaya E, Tonelli LH, Revenis BD, Doran JH, Ballard BE, Tam J, Pacher P, Sternberg EM (2013) Glucocorticoid Receptor Dimerization is Required for Proper Recovery of LPS-induced Inflammation, Sickness Behavior and Metabolism in Mice. Mol Psychiatry 18:1006-1017.
Tam J, Cinar R, Liu J, Godlewski G, Wesley D, Jourdan T, Szanda G, Mukhopadhyay B, Chedester L, Liow JS, Innis RB, Cheng K, Rice KC, Deschamps JR, Chorvat RJ, McElroy JF, Kunos G (2012) Peripheral Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Inverse Agonism Reduces Obesity by Reversing Leptin Resistance. Cell Metab 16:167-179.
Appeared on the August 2012 cover page of Cell Metabolism
Featured in Nature Review in Endocrinology (2012) 8:564
Featured in Nature Review in Drug Discovery (2012) 11:749.
Srivastava S, Kashiwaya Y, King MT, Baxa U, Tam J, Niu G, Chen X, Clarke K, Veech RL (2012) Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Increased Uncoupling Protein 1 in Brown Adipose Tissue of Mice Fed a Ketone Ester Diet. FASEB J 26:2351-2362.
Liu J, Zhou L, Xiong K, Godlewski G, Mukhoadhyay B, Tam J, Yin S, Gao P, Shan X, Pickel J, Bataller R, O’Hare J, Scherer T, Buettner C, Kunos G (2012) Hepatic Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Mediates Diet-induced Insulin Resistance via Inhibition of Insulin Signaling and Clearance in Mice. Gastroenterology 142:1218-1228.
Highlighted in Gastroenterology (2012) 142:1063-6
Featured in Faculty of 1,000
Kunos G, Tam J (2011) The Case for Peripheral CB1 Receptor Blockade in the Treatment of Visceral Obesity and its Cardiometabolic Complications. Br J Pharmacol 163: 1423-1431.
Mukhopadhyay B, Cinar R, Yin S, Liu J, Tam J, Godlewski G, Harvey-White J, Mordi I, Cravatt BF, Lotersztajn S, Gao B, Yuan Q, Schuebel K, Goldman D, Kunos G (2011) Hyperactivation of Anandamide Synthesis and Regulation of Cell-cycle Progression via Cannabinoid Type 1 (CB1) Receptors in the Regenerating Liver. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:6323-6328.
Highlighted in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2011) 108: 6339-40.
Tam J, Liu J, Mukhopadhyay B, Cinar R, Godlewski G, Kunos G (2011) Endocannabinoids in Liver Disease. Hepatology 53:346-355.
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