A new Dr. is born!
Co ngratulations to Saja Baraghithy, who successfully finished her PhD Studies and is now our new Lab Manager. Welcome, Dr. Baraghithy!!!
Yossi Tam is the Awardee of the Rector Award
Congratulations for Yossi Tam, who received the prestigious Hebrew University's Rector Award for his excellence in Science, Teaching, and...
Best Pre-clinical Teacher
Congratulations to Dr. Yossi Tam who was selected the Best Pre-clinical Teacher at the Faculty of Medicine for 2019.
The ICRS2019 Best Poster Award goes to...
Congratulations to Dr. Liad Hinden who won the ICRS2019 Best Poster Award at the ICRS meeting in Bethesda, MD. Great job, Liad!
William Devane Young Investigator Award
Congratulations to Dr. Yossi Tam who won the William Devane Young Investigator Award by the International Cannabinoid Research Society...
Sir Zelman Cowen Universities Fund (SZCUF) Prize
Congratulations to Dr. Yossi Tam who won the Sir Zelman Cowen Universities Fund (SZCUF) Prize for Discovery in Medical Research in the...
Our Female Scientists Rock
Congratulations to Dr. Adi Drori (a Postdoc fellow) and Ms. Shira Hirsch (A PhD Candidate) who won Excellence Prizes from the School of...
Best Poster Presentation Award
Congratulations to Dekel Assaf, who won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the 2019 Israel Society of Skeletal Biology and Medicine...
Scientific/Medical Achievement
Congratulations to Yossi Tam who was awarded the NIH/NCATS Director's Award for extraordinary leadership in the discovery and development...
Podium Course Award
Congratulations to our PhD Student, Shahar Azar, who won the Podium Course Award at the Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network...